How Do I Use VoteHub?
To use VoteHub in your local election, you'll need to live in a jurisdiction that offers mobile voting with VoteHub and be qualified to use this voting option. Some jurisdictions may limit mobile voting options to active duty military voters, voters outside of the country, and/or voters with disabilities. To determine if you qualify, contact your local election official.
Voting using VoteHub is just like voting an absentee ballot, but you are able to vote from your smartphone or tablet. You'll need to update your device software before installing VoteHub. Use the following checklist as a guide when voting with VoteHub. You can also watch a video series on voting with VoteHub.
Voting Checklist
To use VoteHub, you'll need the following items ready:
A smartphone or tablet
Access to your email
Identification and/or witness (if either is required by your jurisdiction)
(Optional) A second device, such as a laptop or other mobile device, with the web browser open.
Additionally, if you prefer to use physical ballot return, you will need a printer connected to your smartphone or tablet.
To vote using VoteHub, follow these five steps:
Install the VoteHub app from your device's app store.
Just search for VoteHub in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
Look up your voter registration and confirm your eligibility.​
Identify your state and county or city.​
Provide your name, year of birth, and one additional identifier.
Confirm your registration is current.
If required, you may need to provide a photo of acceptable identification.
Choose your return method.​
For digital return, you'll need to authorize your device by entering a one-time access code sent to the email address in your voter registration record.
Mark your ballot and sign your affidavit.​
If required, you may also need to provide a photo of acceptable identification and/or have a witness(es) sign.​
Submit your ballot.
You may choose to perform a check to verify your digital ballot is encrypted correctly. For more on the ballot check, click here.
To use physical return, you will need to print your ballot and prepare an envelope for mail return. Refer to your local jurisdiction instructions on where and how to return a physical ballot.
Once your ballot is submitted digitally, you'll receive a tracking code delivered to your email address. Use the tracking code to verify your ballot was received and accepted for counting.
What is a Ballot Check?
A ballot check is an optional step you can take to verify your ballot is recorded and encrypted correctly. It's extra assurance that everything is working and your ballot is correct. The ballot check is an important feature of VoteHub, providing confidence that the election is secure. To learn more about how the ballot check works behind the scenes and why it's important, click here.
To perform the check, follow these steps:
Once your ballot is digitally sealed and is ready to be submitted, you'll see a 7-digit ballot checking code in the VoteHub app that you can use to perform the check.
On a separate device, such as a laptop or tablet, open the web browser and enter the URL displayed in the VoteHub app.
If you don't have a second device, you can perform the check using the web browser on the device you're using to vote.​
The verification site will ask if you have already submitted your ballot. Select No.
At the prompt in the verification site, enter the ballot checking code displayed in VoteHub.
Return to the VoteHub app and tap Code Entered button.
A passkey will display on both VoteHub and the verification site. Confirm the passkeys match by tapping Yes in VoteHub.
The verification site will display your unsealed ballot. Review and make sure your vote choices are correct. Tap Yes in VoteHub if everything is right. If not, tap No in the voting app and see below.
After you tap Yes, your ballot will be resealed and VoteHub will display a new ballot checking code and give you the option to submit your ballot or perform the check again.
For more on the ballot check, watch the video on Submitting a Ballot in our video series on how to use VoteHub.
Why should I use a different device to perform the check?
By using a different device, you'll be better able to verify that there are no problems with your device that may affect how your ballot is recorded and sealed.
What if I don't have a different device to perform the check?
No problem. You can still perform the check using a web browser app on the same device you used to vote. The check will confirm that your ballot is sealed correctly.
What if the check finds a problem with my ballot?
There are several reasons your ballot check may detect a problem. You should contact your local election official to report the problem. They may ask you for some information about the app version and whether your device has the latest software. You'll be able to request a replacement ballot by mail, or you can print your ballot from the app and mail it back.
What if I want to change a vote selection after reviewing my ballot?
You can start over with a new ballot. You'll need to exit from VoteHub entirely to clear out your original vote choices. VoteHub will not permit you to re-mark your ballot without starting from the beginning. You'll be asked to re-enter your name, year of birth, and ID, and you'll need to sign your signature affidavit again.
Does the verification site store my voted ballot?
No. The verification site does not store any data about your vote choices. Nor does the site receive information that identifies you in any way.
Does the verification site receive identifying information about me?
No. You will not be asked to provide any personally identifiable information, including your name, address, date of birth, or ID. The verification site will only ask for the ballot-checking code displayed in the VoteHub app. Nor does the site receive any information about you when it unseals your ballot.
What happens to a ballot after it is submitted?
Submitted ballots are securely stored in a digital ballot box until time for counting. Ballots remains encrypted until they ready for tabulation with other absentee ballots.
Election officials verify signatures following the same procedures as paper absentee ballots.​ Election officials will perform signature verification on your ballot affidavit, and confirm any other required information according to local rules and requirements.
Encrypted ballots are extracted from the digital ballot box and moved offline before they are decrypted and printed for counting.​
Voters can track the status of their ballot on the verification site. Use the ballot tracking code displayed in VoteHub and sent to the email address in your voter registration record.
To learn more about what happens to your ballot, watch the video on Tracking Your Ballot in our video series.
How is my ballot secured?
VoteHub protects the security and integrity of every ballot using advanced cryptography and end-to-end verifiability. In this way, VoteHub enables you to independently verify that your ballot is secured at every step of the process.
Verifying your ballot is recorded and encrypted correctly with the Ballot Check. Before you submit your ballot, you can perform a check to verify that it was recorded and encrypted correctly. This important step helps protect the security of your ballot by ensuring it is safe and free from tampering. To learn more about the ballot check, click here.
Verifying your ballot is received correctly with Ballot Tracking. Once your ballot is submitted, you can verify your ballot was received correctly and remains free from tampering using the tracking code delivered to your email. Visit a separate verification site to verify through a public activity log that your ballot was received in the digital ballot box.
Verifying your ballot is counted correctly. Once your ballot is submitted, it remains encrypted until it is accepted and ready for counting. When your ballot is ready for counting, it will be moved offline before it is decrypted. It will then be printed onto a paper ballot and tabulated with all other absentee ballots in the election. You'll be able to verify when your ballot has been removed for decryption and counting offline using the tracking code. To learn more about this process and tracking you ballot, click here.
Verifying the election is secure. VoteHub also enables the public to independently verify the election is secure. All activity in VoteHub is displayed in a public activity log, from the moment an election official creates an election to moment the last ballots are extracted for counting. This level of transparency is not offered in other voting options and provides public evidence that everything is working correctly. It gives the public evidence the election is correct. To learn more about election activity logs, click here.